The Old Forge

How can people tell such terrible lies?



Yet again we have been slandered by someone on Tripadvisor.  We are absolutely stunned by what this person has said about our lovely little restaurant.  They stated that there was uncooked bread on the table with flies crawling all over it – why?  What have we done to this person to upset them so much as to tell such terrible lies.  Of course Tripadvisor will not take it off, I have tried in vain to tell them that these people are lying through their teeth.  Why oh why do such a terrible thing.  What ever have we done to these people?  All we ever do is try our hardest to provide lovely food and great service and are always really friendly to all our customers.  All we can imagine is that they had massive complexes when they arrived and had already made up their minds to write horrible remarks.  Have they no idea how damaging it can be to tell such lies.  It is so disheartening and upsetting.  To these people who wrote such terrible slanderous lies – what goes around comes around – hopefully you will be punished in some way or other by a Greater Power.