The Old Forge

Sorry for the bad editing on the programme and to all our potential customers



Colin and I would like to thank the thousands of people who sent e mails and phone calls with offer of support to us both after the Channel 4 programme.  Editing is out of our hands and some of it was quite debatable.  It portrayed us as having had many bad reviews, when in fact we have only had a few, it also picked on something I said about visitors to Norfolk in the summer.  We actually love all the visitors who come to our establishment during the summer, it was edited very badly.  I was implying to our lady visitor that there were sometimes not very nice people visiting Norfolk in the summer but only a few, the majority are lovely, of course Channel 4 left that out.  So sorry to everyone who visits our lovely county in the summer and throughout the year.  We had no say in what they put on the show.