The Old Forge

Cromer crab



The most savoury of seafood.  The most juicy too.  Of course, crab is really a seaside treat to be eaten within a cockle’s throw of the pier, but a treat that can taste almost as good at home.  Just close your eyes and think of Cromer.  A freshly cooked crab can seem like the food of the gods, wrenched  limb from limb on the kitchen table for Saturday tea.  Chips of cream and orange shell all over the show.  Best fun for those with the time to dismantle a freshly cooked crab are the spindly, hairy legs – precious little meat but such sweet juice.  You may need to improvise with tools from kitchen, workbench and sewing kit.  Such a task should not be hurried.  You cannot hurry a crab tea.  And neither should you.  We do not suggest you dress a crab unless you have time to kill.  With nothing else to do it can be a fun thing – cracking, wrenching, smashing, picking, pulling and gouging.  Not to mention licking your fingers and sucking bits of shell.  But there is an alternative for the short of time – and we are not talking about those crab sticks, the long white digits that have never even seen the inside of a crab.  Fishmongers and many major supermarkets often sell neat dressed crab all ready to scoff.  It is not as dear a way to buy as you might think, especially if time is money to you.  Such a neat little package, everything done and, what is more, they often still include the crab’s toes to suck.    Dressed Cromer crab served with some mayonnaise and a slice of lemon to squeeze over with lovely crunchy french bread.  Absolutely wonderful.